Let's see how true the Japanese astrological predictions were for today!
Nori's grandmother is a firm believer in luck—she relies on consulting the lucky day calendar for choosing when (and when not!) to do anything important, like scheduling a meeting, searching for something that's missing...or selling a priceless tea bowl.
Click here to consult the lucky day calendar for the date of your book zoom:
Here are some fun things to talk about:
• What kind of day is today?
• Ask each participant: - Was it an accurate prediction for you, or not? - Was it an accurate prediction for the world at large, or not? - Are you an "opposite fortune" kind of person? (Some people experience the exact opposite of the kind of day that's predicted, and plan accordingly.)
• If you have time, look up other dates with meaning to the participants and see what kind of luck is predicted for that day